News & Events
March 21,2024

In this video I go over how to transition in English presentations like a native speaker. Whether it is for grad school or your job, giving presentations is an essential skill that you will need to leave a strong impression on your audience. Transitioning into giving your presentations and between sections of your presentations provides for a more powerful delivery and will make you more confident when presenting. In this video I give examples on the following techniques:
1. Icebreaker statements
2. Transition into presenting mode
3. Transition into the main topic
4. Signposting phrases.
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How to Transition Like a Pro in English Presentations 演講&簡報吸晴的「轉折」技巧
#留學 #英文簡報 #演講 #presentationskills #businesspresentation #研究所 #學術英文 #EAP #EnglishforAcademicPurposes #zaneabroad